Camille Stewart

Cybersecurity Attorney

Senior Global Policy Advisor, Android + Google Play

WiCyS SV Board Member. Ask her about her role on the Board! 

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Camille Stewart is an attorney whose crosscutting perspective on complex technology, cyber, and national security, and foreign policy issues has landed her in significant roles at leading government and private sector companies like the Department of Homeland Security and Google. Camille currently leads security and pivacy policy, and election integrity for Google Play & Android. Prior to Google, Camille managed cybersecurity, election security, tech innovation, and risk issues at Deloitte. Camille was appointed by President Barack Obama the Senior Policy Advisor for Cyber Infrastructure & Resilience Policy at the Department of Homeland Security. Camille began her career in information security as the Senior Manager of Legal Affairs at Cyveillance, a cyber threat intelligence company, after spending time on Capitol Hill. Camille is a New America Cyber Policy Fellow, Truman National Security Fellow, and Council on Foreign Relations Term Member.

Camille is also leading a project on exfiltration of sensitive technology through the courts with a DC think tank. 

What cybersecurity issue is monopolizing most of your time or are you most concerned about?

Right now, global election integrity, mobile security & privacy policy, disinformation, & supply chain security monopolize my time. 

Camille's Cybersecurity Tip

Create a set of fake answers to the common security questions, use those and don't ever share them. The answers to common security questions are easily searched for online. You probably mentioned your mom's maiden name & 1st grade teacher on facebook...

Why did you get into cybersecurity?

It was the perfect intersection of technology, law, and society.